Plastic Assembly News

Remote Palm Buttons for Branson Welders

Plastic Assembly Technologies has a line of remote palm buttons for Branson 900 and 2000 series ultrasonic welders.  PAT’s Remote Palm Buttons are used to initiate the start of your Branson 900 & 2000 series welding equipment.  These ERGO friendly palm buttons are easy to install and mount on most tables.  The palm buttons are often used to allow removal of the welder from an automation line and cycle the welder independent of the automation.


  •                                                                                                                             Features of the PAT Palm Button Sets:      
  • PAT palm buttons initiate ultrasonic welder cycle
  • All pre-wired for direct plug in to welder
  • Includes emergency stop button to terminate cycle  
  • Includes 9’ cable and D shell connector
  • Includes mounting hardware                                          
  • Built from aluminum tubing and aluminum plate 
  • PALM-1 includes light touch mechanical switches     
  • PALM-2 includes capacitive touch switches
  • Easily adapt to Pat’s slim line welder table

  Palm Button Set Models
PALM-1 Palm button set with (2) light touch start buttons and emergency stop button
PALM-2 PALM button set with (2) capacitive start buttons and emergency stop button

Plastic Assembly Technologies, Inc., located in Indianapolis, Indiana, has a complete line of accessories for ultrasonic welding.

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Plastic Assembly News